March 27, 2022

From Nude to Shrewd | Genesis 3

Passage: Genesis 3
Service Type:

- Satan is NOT my friend! (But Jesus IS!)

1) Temptation (v1-5)
'Did God really say?'
- There is no real danger in it (‘You will not surely die’).
- There is a very great advantage to be gained (‘You will be like God’)

2) Fall (v6-7).

3) Grace: The God who seeks, speaks and provides (v8-24).

1. Choose your friends wisely.
2. Live your life carefully.
• Know your enemy.
• Flee from temptation.
• Find Christian friends.
• Pray and spend time with the LORD.
3. Selected Bible verses:

- The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 5:9-13)
- Paul’s advice (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- John’s advice (1 John 8-9)
- James’ advice (James 4:7)
- Paul’s advice to Timothy (2 Timothy 2:22)
- The Holy Spirit’s advice (Hebrews 3:7-8).