Introduction: 1) The Special Collection for Jerusalem (9:1-2) 2) Four Reasons to be Generous (Ch8) a) The Macedonian Example (v1-6). b) The Example of Christ (v7-9). c) Paul’s Personal Advice…
1) We Have a Strong City Boast of 8th Century Judah “We have a strong city.....walls and ramparts of salvation” [v1].Compared with Moab “brought to the ground” [25:12] The city…

Jars of Clay | 2 Corinthians 4

September 12, 2021
Introduction: 1) This Ministry … (v1). 2) A Ministry of Truth and Light (v2-6). a) Truth (v2-3). b) Light (v4-6). 3) Treasure in Jars of Clay (v7-15). 4) The Weight…