The Creator’s Glory | Psalm 104
- God the Creator (v1-4).
- Heaven and Earth are Full of His Glory (v5-30).
- The Waters and the Dry Land (v5-13).
- Plants for Food (v14-18).
- Sun, Moon and Stars (v19-23).
- All Creatures Great and Small (v24-32).
- God the Redeemer (v33-35).
Things to keep in mind about Creation:
- This is our Father’s world – Creation is essentially good.
- Life is meant to be enjoyed (under God).
- Don’t confuse the Creator and Creation.
- Don’t worship created things.
- Sin is real, but God has set a limit to it.
- This world is not beyond redemption.
- Look to Jesus as our Redeemer.
- Be a good steward of creation (read Ecclesiastes!)