Introduction: 1) Who is Satan? 2) The Woman, the Dragon, and the Child (v1-6). 3) The Great Battle and the Ultimate Victory (v7-12). 4) Overcoming the Enemy (v13-17). Conclusion: Jesus…
Introduction: 1) A New Cycle Begins: Seven Trumpets (8:2). 2) The Prayers of the Saints (8:3-5). 3) Trumpets 1-4: Chaos in Nature (8:6-13). 4) Trumpets 5-6: Terrors on the Earth…
Introduction: - Whatever happened to Godly Fear? 1) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (v1-8). 2) The Ministry of Martyrdom (v9-11). 3) The Wrath of the Lamb (v12-17). Conclusion: -…
Introduction: - What can we learn from John’s vision of the heavenly throne-room? 1) Come and See (v1). 2) Behold, Your God! (v2-6a) 3) The Joy of Worshipping the Lord…