Don’t Be Deceived | 2 Thessalonians 2
When it comes to the signs of the End Times:
- Heed the warnings but don’t be hasty.
- Prepare for Christ’s return without being obsessed by it.
1. Don’t be deceived by the timing of Christ’s return (v1-2).
2. Don’t be deceived by the Man of Lawlessness (v3-8).
3. Don’t be deceived by a Counterfeit Gospel (v9-12).
4. Don’t doubt the power of God to save you (v13-17).
How can you protect yourself from the counterfeits and deceptions in our world
- Pray: Ask God to help you stand firm in your faith.
- Learn: Spend time knowing God, rather than being unsettled or alarmed by
sensationalist rumours.
- Believe: Jesus is Lord, and he will overthrow the Lawless One.
- Be Watchful: Be alert for evidence of lawless behaviour in your own life, and take
a firm stand against it.
- Be Wise: Hold onto the sure teachings of the Gospel.