Finding a Wife for Isaac | Genesis 24:1-9, 22-27, 50-67
- How is the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah connected to the Gospel?
1. The Concern of the Loving Father (v1-9).
2. The Quest of the Faithful Servant (v10-27).
3. The Meeting with the Family (v28-54a).
4. The Union of the Happy Couple (v54b-67).
- As God provided a fitting wife for Isaac, so he will provide a fitting bride for Christ
– and we are that bride.
- As Christians, we can learn from Rebekah’s example – how to honour and serve
Christ in our lives.
- We need God’s blessing upon our marriages. It is in the Christian home that little
Isaacs and little Rebekah’s will be raised up to become the next generation of
Covenant Kids.