June 4, 2023

How to Walk in a Straight Line | Proverbs 9

Passage: Proverbs 9
Service Type:

- Leave your simple ways and you will live –
go straight on ahead in the way of understanding.

1. Wisdom’s House (v1-6)
- Lady Wisdom is at home with the LORD.
- Where God’s Word is taught and applied.

2. First Steps: A Beginner’s Guide to Wisdom (v7-12)
i. Observe the world around you;
ii. Make sense of reality (always remembering the fear of the LORD);
iii. Step out in faith.
3. Folly’s House (v13-18)
- The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
- Folly is not your friend.

- Don’t walk alone – you need Jesus, and your church.
- Stay alert – be aware of the dangers around you.
- Don’t walk in the dark – it’s foolish to do so.
- Remember Wisdom’s advice – and just keep walking!