January 28, 2024

Songs of Mercy and Grace |  Psalm 123 & 124

Passage: Psalm 123 & 124
Service Type:


1. Looking to God for Mercy (Psalm 123).
- What is God’s mercy? (v1-2)
- A heartfelt plea (v3-4)

2. The Joy of the Redeemed (Psalm 124).

- Be realistic. If you’re a Christian, you will suffer for your faith. Toughen up – there’s worse to come!
- Be optimistic. Remember the joy of the redeemed. Christian joy counters the joy-robbing culture of our world.
- Be evangelistic. Always be ready to share the reason for the hope that you have in Christ.
- Be patient. Learn to wait upon the LORD in prayer.
- Be neighbourly. Remember the story of the Good Samaritan.
- Be well informed. There are many advantages to knowing what’s happening in our world.