Introduction: - The case of Moira Deeming. 1. Wisdom’s Call (v1-11). 2. Wisdom’s Character (v12-21). 3. Wisdom’s Creativity (v22-31). 4. Wisdom’s Covenant (v32-36). Conclusion: Despite the effects of sin, it…
Introduction: - Will the LORD revive us again? 1. Living in a Broken World (v1-6). 2. Micah’s Hope (v7-17) - Revival begins with repentance. - Revival has eternal consequences. -…
Introduction: - Is our suffering really God’s fault? 1. The Courtroom Drama Begins (v1-2). 2. The LORD’s Complaint (v3-5). 3. The Heart of the Matter (v6-8). 4. The Judge’s Verdict…